Wildflame Appoints New Creative Director

Wildflame Appoints New Creative Director

Wildflame Productions has appointed Llinos Griffin-Williams as its first Creative Director.  The appointment is part of the company’s plans for both international growth and the development of its creative team to secure ambitious future UK factual commissioning from...
Cadw Cyfrinach

Cadw Cyfrinach

Cadw Cyfrinach – un o ddioddefwyr John Owen yn siarad am y tro cyntaf “Roedd e’n galw fi draw i’w swyddfa i drafod ryw sgript neu speech ro’n i’n gweithio arno. Roedd e’n cloi y drws a thynnu zip fy nhrowsus i lawr. Roedd fy nghalon i’n suddo achos ro’n i’n gwybod...