


A multi-format series on S4C, looking at the experience of efaciwîs/evacuees in Wales during WW2, and the history of Wales offering refuge to people made homeless by war.


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The series consists of six Living History 40 min episodes, and two 60 minute documentaries looking at the impact of the evacuees on Wales.

  • Efaciwîs: Plant Y Rhyfel / Evacuees: Children of War
  • Efaciwîs: Pobol y Rhyfel / Evacuees: People of War
  • Drych: Lloches / Mirror: Refugee

Efaciwîs: Plant y Rhyfel/ Evacuees: Children of War, (started 30th Jan 2022) –  is a living history series that recreates the wartime experiences of English evacuees who moved into Welsh-speaking rural communities. Eight non-Welsh speaking children from UK cities stay in a Welsh-speaking area of north Wales faced with the same kinds of social and language challenges as evacuees in the 1940s.

Efaciwîs: Pobol y Rhyfel/ Evacuees: People of War,  (aired 23rd January 2022) – looking at the experience of efaciwîs in Wales, and our history as a country that has offered refuge to people who are homeless because of war.

Drych: Lloches/ Mirror: Refugee, (airs on February 20th 2022) – An opportunity to hear the voices of some individuals who have come to Wales looking for safety.


Amanda Rees, S4C’s director of creative content, said: “Efaciwîs is an authentic experiment that combines elements of history and language…This commission will be one of our key upcoming campaigns with a range of specialist formats for children, insightful documentaries and digital supplementary content too.”

 Catch up on Efaciwîs on BBC iPlayer 


In the Press

Efaciwîs has appeared in:

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