Aled Hadyn Jones: Ti, Fi a’r Fam Fenthyg

In an emotional and personal film, Aled Haydn Jones opens the door to the amazing world of surrogacy. 

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Aled Haydn Jones, the head of BBC Radio 1, and his partner Emile are embarking on an emotional journey to have a baby of their own biologically. Through the amazing world of Surrogacy, they meet their surrogate Dawn and begin a life changing and remarkable experience – exploring the intricacies of surrogacy, egg donation and the highs and lows of IVF.

S4C Sunday 7/2/21 at 21:00 and on BBC iPlayer. English subtitles are available. 


In the Press

‘Aled Hayn Jones: Ti, Fi a’r Fam Fenthyg – You, Me and Our Surrogate’ appears in:


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